Previously ...
Maggie is the 3rd person to be evicted from the Sim Brother house. How have the housemates handled their first weekend without her? |
Saturday - The Day After
After Maggie left, the housemates took an early night. The housemates spent Saturday lounging around the house and garden, playing pool or reading. Maggie's name did not come up until later in the day. 8.32pm - Ruud and George are in the garden eating burgers. George - "You seemed to be quite close to Maggie. How do you feel about her going? I never really got to know her" Ruud - "She was a very smart lady I'll miss her. Someone else will have to do the garden." |
Sunday - The Agony Uncle
6.00am - It's Sunday Morning in the Sim Brother house. Kelly and George are the first ones up. Kelly is telling George about her relationship problems. Kelly - "I've got Will and Ruud fighting over me. What should I do?" George - "Go for an older more experienced guy, perhaps?" *winks* Kelly - "I'll let you know, okay?" *winks* |
Underwhelmed Acid Queen
12.08pm - George has come to the Diary Room to talk to Sim Brother. Sim Brother (AR) - "Hello, misery guts. How are you? Still thinking of running away are we?" George - "I'm fine and thanks for asking. I just thought I'd let you know I'm staying." SB - "Oh really? I'm so underwhelmed. Goodbye ;)" |
Something out of Nothing
3.00pm - Five easels have appeared in the garden. Sim Brother (AR) - "You've got a new challenge, housemates. You're going to be creative and each of you has to make something from nothing. Painting is the way to get your creative juices going, if you've got any. This time on Wednesday, each of you have to create something good enough to go in the Tate Gallery. Only one can fail. Goodbye ;)" |
10.30pm - Will is the only one of the housemates to have started on the canvases. His work appears in the "classical neo-moderne" and effuses an enigmatic coldness. Will - "I'm calling this 'white cat in a blizzard'" The housemates have a long way to go if they are to be successful in their weekly task. Will they be creative and turn no work into work worthy of being in an exhibition? |