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Sim Brother Series 4, Special Article
Cat's Eyes Edition 2
Welcome to the Show

The housemates have familiarised themselves with the house, each other, Sim Brother and... some orange sticky stuff. During a political week, this secret ingredient caused a lot of fuss, differences in opinion and friendship. The Marmaladian days aren't entirely over yet. Find out more during this week's

Cat's Eyes

Politics All Over

It took less than three days for Sim Brother to challenge the eight new housemates. Although friendships were still in an early stage, they were already put to the test. Due to her (ab)use of Marmalade, which was not just used on toast, but also as spaghetti sauce. Only a day after that incident, the housemates already had to choose two presidential candidates. After two election rounds it was decided: Alyssa and John would have to win votes to get presidential privileges. Condoleezza, nicknamed Condi, was a good third, with a nice round zero votes after the second round. Naturally Arnold didn't agree. His newly-found interest in politics made him want to rule the house too, but there wasn't a chance for him. Martha, still unpopular because of the Marmalade sauce, didn't get any votes either and wasn't very pleased. Perhaps she should've tried to join the AOA (Anonymous Orange Addicts) before entering the house. Watching a match of the Dutch national football team from a few years ago might have been just enough too.

As expected, we saw a lot of John and Alyssa during the entire week. They were trying to win votes every day. Arnold - on John's side - and Condoleezza - part of Alyssa's campaigning team - made sure they all got the necessary stuff to promote either the "Marmalade Party" or the "Charmed Party". Voting had started, and the audience was casting their votes by the masses. The interim results were constantly very close, and until the very end it wasn't exactly sure who would win.

Phil, DOCTOR Phil

Another surprise came on Wednesday, when a bald man with a big moustache decided to interfere with the going-ons of the house. He decided to give his unsalted opinion of each of the housemates, and had an inspiring chit-chat with Steve. Dr. Phil is everywhere, and that means he's also in Sim Brother. A new voice for the housemates in the diary room.

And that's a place we haven't seen very much yet. In many series, the diary room is a main place where contestants sometimes can spend up to half a day in. The current housemates seem to be strong enough to resist, just scared enough - afraid a nasty Sim Brother makes fun of them - or the separated room is too remote. As the series progresses, it isn't unlikely it will become more stressful though, and as a result there might be more diary room visits. For now, except for the occasional sinking boat on a TV screen, it isn't a too interesting place yet. And frankly, that boat isn't that great either - it sinks and you now it.

The central forum on the other hand is more interesting. It has now been decorated with pictures of the housemates. Some might think it looks nicer, but we'll have to see if the housemates think the same way. It might very well be that they say they already see enough of each other all day, let alone they want to see themseles in a mirror in the morning, and then on a picture on the wall again. Nevertheless, after the first eviction, the portraits might help them look back at the good times past. But which portrait is that of the newly crowned king of the house, or - as it's a republic instead of a monarchy - the president?

Useless Debates

Almost since the start of the elections, John was slightly on top and more likely to win the campaign. The presidential debate just over 24 hours before the voting booths closed didn't make much of a difference, despite the dictating impression John was trying to - or made to? - give. Sim Brother might seem democratic but not in the house, as John, the winner of the elections, would be the sole governor, without being forced to debate with others to push his decisions regarding marmalade and other things through to the house. He can even choose who exactly will get nominated. The first eviction can't be that far away now...

Who will be nominated is hard to say. Although John and Martha weren't exactly friends, they did agree to hold a truce when Martha converted John - very easily - to try the marmalade flavoured dishes she would cook. The Quiet Ones, Bjork and Tiger, are no enemies of John, but are they good enough friends? It might also be that John decides to nominate all the other housemates, or perhaps everybody including himself. All odds are open...

And now?

Will we find out this week, or should we just check again next week? Tune in to Sim Brother every day at around midnight (or a little later) to find out yourself as soon as you can. We'll also find out if John is really up to the task of being the house boss, even though he's already admitted he's afraid he can't live up to it. Come back for another Cat's Eyes again next week.


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