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Sim Brother Series 5, Day 41 (Wednesday 23 May 2007)
Hot Tubs, Numbers & Relationships
Getting Psychological

Over the years, our race has evolved in order to cope with a change in circumstances. In the Sim Brother house, with housemates coming and going, things change very rapidly indeed and the housemates have to keep pace. In the space of one week, we have seen how the ones remaining have rapidly evolved from being four individuals into becoming two pairs and this in turn has resulted in one happy house. How has one week made all of this happen and what have they done?

It's Day 41, it's Sim Brother V!

Let's do it!

All about a Hot Tub

I'm never one to look at mathematics unless is relates to my bank balance and how much people are spending on my books, videos, DVDs and other well-priced products from my online store or other high street sources.

With the house this week, I have had to look at the math in order to see how everything seems to fall into place. With no pun intended, it all boils down to the number two and how two pairs of two people fit quite snuggly in one very hot tub.

On the night after Reese became the last evictee, the housemates made use of the tub. Considering it has been in the main room all along, I am very surprised it has not been used more than it has been. Even when Sim Brother took it away from them, they didn't miss it and when it came back, they didn't seem to make the most of its return.

However, the night of Day 37, which digitologically reduces to 1, the housemates all fitted in quite snugly. Nobody was left out now and nobody seemed to be left out by being on their own.

Perhaps it is that digitological reduction to "1" that caused Harry to ultimately monopolise the tub for his own relationship. All I can say is that it worked and although Sim Brother is not going to really admit it or show any underwater camera shots, Harry and Hilary had a woohooingly good time.

In the early hours of Day 38, which digitologically reduces to 2, the second partnership was formed. Trisha is no stranger to inhouse relationships having been involved with Snoop from early days, but this is the first time Johnny has committed to a relationship other than what he has on the outside. It does seem that he kissed Reese, and perhaps this served as a catalyst. With it being so late in the game, I do not believe this relationship is political. I do believe in a genuine attraction between Johnny and Trisha and they have formed a consensual relationship, accepting the boundaries of the Sim Brother garden as being the limit and that once outside, that romantic relationship ends.

Four housemates have become two happy pairs of housemates, which means that they have all become one with the house. Even Sim Brother throwing Tyson & Rocky into the mix did not unduly upset them. The housemates carried out their task and have pragmatically accepted that one of the pairs will be split up.

Next week in "Dr.Phil gets psychological", as well as looking at "Health & Homecooking in the House" I will be going into the house to meet the final three housemates in person and find out what they have to say about their experiences and how they feel about the show and its imminent conclusion.

Simbrokes says ...

From finding out about the relationship between numbers and housemates, let us find out about the relationship between the viewer's money and that of Simbrokes bookmakers. Good afternoon, Edwin. What can you tell us today?

Edwin - Hello, Dr.Phil. I cannot tell you very much, I'm afraid. With there being just two housemates facing the public vote, I cannot give you many tips. I can say is that only one girl will be left in the house on Saturday morning. One of the happy pairs will be split up, but that was inevitable.
Dr.Phil - You're sounding as pragmatic as the housemates.
Edwin - When it is this late in the game, we have to be pragmatic when it comes to who goes and who stays. All we are concerned about is that the public make their bets and don't cause too much of a stink if they lose.
Dr.Phil - Anything else you can tell us about the betting?
Edwin - At this stage, 6% splits them. It is just too close to call and at this time, it is Evens odds on each of them. I don't think anyone can be up in arms at this stage if the one that they bet on does not win.
Dr.Phil - What about being up in arms about your prediction on the Smeggs task?
Edwin - Really surprised there. The staff came to rally around Johnny once learnt from his early mistakes and sorted them into pairs. Perhaps his keeping Hilary and Harry apart during this task might have had something to do with them. We took quite a hit from those who took advantage of the odds and reckoned they would pass the task.
Dr.Phil - Any further speculation on who will win?
Edwin - It's quite close, but I do reckon that one of the guys will win it. Still not putting a bet on, Dr.Phil?
Dr.Phil - When I know you've ordered a copy of "Mowing the lawn with Dr.Phil", I might make a wager.
Edwin - That's very doubtful, Dr.Phil.
Dr.Phil - Thanks for talking to us, Edwin. I'll pop in and see you next week.
Edwin - I'll be looking forward to it, Dr.Phil.

From there, we're going to take a look at what the housemates have been up to today.

Fishing & Thinking

It's Day 41 in the Sim Brother house. Yesterday, the housemates had a dog show where they showed Sir Aaron Shergar how they had managed to train his two boxers. Harry and Johnny were successful and were rewarded with a free ride into the final week. Hilary and Trisha ended up facing the public vote.

11.18am - The everyday running of the house continues. It is overcast over the Sim Brother house and with a forecast of rain later. Johnny is by the lake fishing. Trisha has been called to the Diary Room.

Sim Brother (A) - Hello, Trisha. How are you today?
Trisha - I've been better, Sim Brother.
SB - How do you feel about the task?
Trisha - We made mistakes. We failed. I do miss Rocky, though. It was good to have a dog in the house.
SB - Do you feel confident facing the public vote?
Trisha - I've never felt confident facing the public vote, Sim Brother. This is my fourth time and I don't know if my luck is going to run out.
SB - If there was something you could ask the viewers, what would it be?
Trisha - Thanks for not voting me out yet, but it would mean a great deal for me to make it into the last week so please don't vote for me.
SB - Thankyou, Trisha. The door is open.


3.19pm - Harry and Johnny have been spending a lot of the day together talking about how things have progressed. Firstly, they had a game of pool, which Harry won, and then continued their conversation over dinner.

Harry - I can't believe that we have got this far.
Johnny - I wouldn't say that it is really that big a deal.
Harry - You mean you don't want to win?
Johnny - I didn't say that. I just mean that we've been ourselves and the people have preferred to evict other people than evict us. I wouldn't mind winning. I am pleased that we've got this far.
Harry - It's a bit unlucky about the girls, though.
Johnny - It is, but if it wasn't them, it would be us.

# Que Sera Sera #

10.12pm - Hilary is asleep in the back garden. Johnny is in the front garden tending to Trisha's strawberry plants. Trisha and Harry are in the kitchen. They are talking about facing the public.

Harry - I must be doing alright. I've survived three evictions. In the first week after the assault course task, in the second week when I was on the losing team and when I did badly on "Deal, or No Deal". Britney, Jack and Snoop went instead of me.

Trisha - Four times for me if I get through this one. The same goes for Hilary. I can't expect you to be rooting for me.
Harry - I don't want to see anyone go, Trish. I really like being here and don't want it to come to an end. I never like seeing people leave.
Trisha - I never like things to end with some bad blood. As to whether I'm meeting Will on Friday, que sera sera.
Harry - Whatever will be will be.
Trisha - The future's not ours to see.
Harry - Que sera sera.
Trisha - What will be will be.

Polls are still open for you to vote to evict either Hilary or Trisha. Don't forget that you can vote once every 8 hours.


<< Day 40: Dog Show Day 42: Intrusion and Insecurity >>

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