It's Day 47 in the Sim Brother house. Yesterday saw Johnny win the Poker School tournament by cleaning out both of the other housemates. By making their own entertainment, Harry won an unofficial tournament of strip poker by winning everyone else's clothes.
During the night, Sim Brother has built another building in the garden near the swimming pool. Draining some of the lake, it borders onto the main wall.
10.18am - The housemates are talking about last night's Strip Poker.
Hilary - I don't know if last night was such a good thing.
Johnny - Why's that?
Hilary - I was naked! I very much doubt I'll be getting another call from Disney about doing another Lizzie McGuire movie.
Harry - I can guarantee that they wouldn't have shown that, Hils. They would have pixellated you out for certain.
Johnny - Ohhh, I'm sure they would have kept it in. Hopefully they might have edited some areas out but certain things would have been on display. I do hope that they edited my crown jewels out, though.
Hilary - I'm still ruined. My clean-cut image has been destroyed, all through one silly idea. This should also ruin my chance to be accepted in Simglish society.
Harry - I am sure it will not have made the slightest difference to how they see you, Hils.
1.24pm - Hilary is washing the dishes. Harry and Johnny are in the garden tending to the strawberries and tomatoes.
Johnny - Hal, you weren't telling the truth to Hilary earlier.
Harry - I was somewhat economic with it, yes.
Johnny - She's scuppered her chances of being accepted into mainstream royal society, hasn't she.
Harry - Her upbringing let her down for a start, anyway, but last night really "koostarked" any chance she may have had.
Johnny - You should tell her.
Harry - I think deep inside she already knows.
Johnny - So what choice are you going to make? Wales or Duff?
Harry - I'm still thinking about that ... and it is quite close.
Johnny - For love or for a coronet? Watch this space.
3.30pm - The housemates have been given new outfts and the door to the new building is now open.
Sim Brother (C) - In today's part of Games Week, you are going bowling. Each of you have your own lane and your own outfit. You will be playing three games of 10 frames each. The one with the highest score at the end of of each game will earn 3 points, the one in second place will earn 2 points and the one in third place will earn one point. The one with the most points after three games will win the tournament. In the event of a tie, the one with the highest overall score wins. You have 30 minutes to acclimatise yourself with your ball and the lanes. The contest begins at 4pm.
4.38pm - The housmates have bowled for their first game. Hilary had strikes in the 5th & 6th frames, spares in the 2nd & 8th frames but did not really maximise the opportunity of these. She was in second place until the final two frames but came in 3rd with a score of 101 to get 1 point.
Harry had strikes in the 4th and a spare in the 7th but pulled his game around in the 9th frame with a turkey (trans. 3 consecutive strikes), gaining 54 points in the last two frames to finish on 124 to come in 2nd and get 2 points.
Johnny started off with a double, then a strike in the 4th, a spare in the 5th, another strike in the 6th and in the 8th. His consistent playing meant he won the first with 141 points and got 3 points.
Johnny - And that's the way to do it.
Hilary - I need a lighter ball.
5.12pm - The housemates have finished their second game. For all of the housemates, this game is very important. For those behind on points, it gives them a chance to pull them back and level the playing field.
Hilary had a confident start with spares in the 1st & 2nd, a strike in the 3rd, another spare in the 4th, a strike in the 5th and a spare in the 6th. At that stage, she was in second place to Johnny. Then her game collapsed and in the last 4 frames, she only downed 9 pins. She finished in 3rd place with 111 to get 1 point, giving her a total of 2 championship points.
Johnny had another confident start. He had a "fourganger" (trans. 4 consecutive strikes) from the 2nd to 5th frames and at the end of the 6th frame was leading, ahead of Hilary by 4. Although he played consistently and did get a spare in the 7th, both his balls in the 9th went in the gutter. He finished on 136 for 2 points, giving him a total of 5 championship points.
Harry began slowly and falteringly. By the end of the 4th, he was 47 points behind Hilary. In the 5th, he had a spare, followed by a strike, another spare and then a turkey. This spectactular turn of events meant that with 165, Harry finished ahead of Johnny, got 3 points and levelled the championship on 5 points.
6.09pm - With Hilary only on 2 points, her participation in the final game was just to see if she could beat her personal best. Harry and Johnny had everything to play for. If Johnny won, he would have a decisive two win lead in the championship. If Harry won, it would level the series.
Hilary had strikes in the 2nd and 7th frame but was not able to monopolise on them and was in second place until the 8th frame. She finished the game on 96 for 1 point and 3 championship points.
Johnny had strikes in the 2nd, 8th and 10th frames and spares in the 1st and 9th frames. However, he could not consolidate these gains. His final three frames improved his score dramatically but as in three of the frames, he only downed one pin, he had a lot of ground to make up. He finished the game on 110 for 2 points, bringing him to 7 points for the championship.
Harry's Game was generally good with no major falterings. With a strike in the 1st and a spare in the 2nd, he started off very well. His later game faltered and at one point, it looked as though Hilary could catch him up. However, with a double in the 8th and 9th and a spare in the 10th, he had a spectacular comeback, closing on 139, getting him 3 points, giving him a total of 8 points and the championship.
Sim Brother (C) - This is Sim Brother. Hilary, with three 3rd places, you finish on 3 points. Johnny, with a 1st place and two 2nd places, you finish on 7 points. Harry, with two 1st places and one 2nd place, you finish on 8 points.
Harry, you win the Bowling Championship.
The Competition is now tied between Harry and Johnny on two Championships each.
10.18pm - Harry comes to the Diary Room.
Sim Brother (HM) - Good evening, Harry. Congratulations upon winning today's championship, especially beating the Simericans at their game.
Harry - Thanks. A bit of crown green bowling when I was younger might have helped.
SB - How are you feeling today, Harry?
Harry - Not so clever.
SB - Ohhh ... what's the matter?
Harry - I wasn't quite honest with Hils about the strip poker.
SB - Might it be an idea to tell her?
Harry - I don't want to upset her. We've all got a lot on our plates at the moment, what with the Games Week and worrying about how the public are seeing us.
SB - How do you think the public are seeing you, Harry?
Harry - Hopefully they see me a jolly nice bloke and worth voting to win. Before I came in, I heard a rumour about this being the last Sim Brother from TSZ and I don't really want a Simerican to win it. Is it true about it being the last series from TSZ?
SB - The door is open, Harry.
Thankyou for voting, keep on voting and stay tuned for our "catch-up" reports
I'm British and the last time I actually bowled was about 35 years ago in Leeds. Please excuse me if my scoresheets are not tallied correctly. I'll blame the SBBB (Sim Brother Bowling Board).
I apologise again for the delay. Irritable bowels are a pain in the ... you get the picture? All being well, Sim Brother will finish on schedule.