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Sim Brother Series 1, Day 53 (Monday 11 March 2002)
The Tortoise & The Bare
Will Gets Going
At 3:22am, Will was up and came to the Diary Room.
WS - "Hey, SimBro. Perhaps I've had an attitude problem. I'll prove them wrong. I'll work hard for this task."
SB - "Sim Brother thanks you for this insight and wishes you well."
Will immediately got to work and wanted to get as much carving out of the way as possible. Perhaps what Tony had said to him and sunk in?

Breakfast Time
6:44am With Anna's part in the weekly task being over, she prepared breakfast to give them more time. Within an hour, Davina, Tony & Anne had all got up and were having breakfast at the dinner table.

Will was still working hard. However, his limited high school knowledge was showing. He has made the mandatory five gnomes but their value was less than §40. At 8:55am, he was eventually was lured by the smell of bacon & eggs and went in to have breakfast. While he was at the table, Tony took the opportunity to jump in to commandeer the bench to finish his quota.

Late Morning
At 10:32am, Anna was busy trying to repair the hot tub. Considering the amount of times it had been used, it was to be expected that it would break down sometime.

At 11:37am "This Sim Brother. Your nine gnomes have a resale value of §168. You have passed your part in this task, Tony."

Anne & Davina
Once Tony had finished, Anne took his place. She felt confident that she could accomplish her quota in one shift. She was correct. At 1:50pm, Sim Brother informed Anne that her gnomes had a resale value of §163 and that she had passed her part in the weekly task.
Mid-afternoon and Davina, who had gone native again, had not started her part in the task. When Anne asked her when she was getting to work, Davina replied - "When I'm ready."
Anne - "(Does the same go for putting something on?)"
While Davina dithered, Will took the opportunity to get back to carving his quota.

At 6:38pm, Will stopped carving for the day. He now had nine gnomes, but he was just over halfway to the resale value. Davina came over to have a word with him - "What's the state of play between you and Anna?"
Will - "Just good friends, Diva. Just good friends."
Is her interest purely for gossip purposes or does she have a ulterior motive?

The Last Starter
After chatting with Will, Davina got to work. Her bookwork had paid off as she knew the technique and within œ hour, she had already finished her first gnome with a resale value of §26. She continued working until 1:12 and had already made five gnomes with a high resale value ... but not quite high enough.
One more gnome and her quota would be complete. Will still had quite a way to go. Both of them had only 12 hours to complete their quotas in the weekly task. Would either of them let the rest of the group down?


<< Day 52: Hard Work & Hot Tubs Day 54: Results & Apprehension >>

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